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    【 发布日期:2018-10-15 】

    讲座题目:The international penetration of ibusiness firms: Network effects, liabilities of outsidership and country clout


    讲座时间:2018年10月22日(周一)下午16: 00-17: 30

    讲座地点:金沙990cc登录学院南路校区主教 702 会议室

    讲座摘要:The burgeoning of ibusiness firms in the modern digital economy challenges the received internationalization theory. Given that ibusinesses such as social networking sites create value by providing a digital platform for users to interact with one another, we employ a user-network perspective and externalization logic, suggesting that ibusinesses’ internationalization process depends critically on users’ collective interactions, instead of being solely driven by firms’ market commitments, as noted by the Uppsala model. However, ibusinesses may suffer from liabilities of outsidership due to the boundedness of international network effects. Drawing on social network theory, we demonstrate that such liabilities can be mitigated by first diffusing the ibusiness platform in countries with higher clout. Our analysis using a unique dataset of mobile ibusiness platforms finds empirical support for the hypotheses. We discuss theoretical implications for the network approach of the Uppsala model in the digital era.

    讲座人介绍:李卅立,南卡罗来纳大学摩尔商学院国际商务系副教授,美国犹他州大学国际战略管理学博士。此前曾在威斯康星州立大学密尔沃基校区卢巴商学院任教并评为终身教授、获美国犹他大学管理学院核心课程的杰出教学奖,以及卢巴商学院MBA明星教授奖。李教授的研究主要集中在国际市场进入、科技管理和需求基础论,他的论文获得美国管理学年会的年度最佳论文。近年来,其论文在Academy of Management Review、Strategic Management Journal,Journal of International Business Studies,Journal of Management等国际顶级学术期刊上发表。此外,兼任Journal of International Business Studies与Strategic Management Journal的审稿人,以及Academy of Management,Academy of International Business,International Association for Chinese Management Research与Strategic Management Society的会员。



    版权所有 金沙990cc登录·(中国)有限公司-BinG百科       地点:北京市昌平区沙河高教园区学院13号楼        邮编:102206 网站:www.jieqiangwl.com
