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    10月22日,Sandra Poncet(巴黎第一大学)”

    【 发布日期:2014-10-21 】


    【主题】Incomplete VAT Rebates to Exporters: How Do They Affect China's Export Performance?

    【主讲人】Sandra Poncet,现任法国巴黎第一大学经济系教授,著名中国经济和贸易问题研究专家,主要研究领域为经济一体化、外商直接投资、对外贸易和中国经济等,已在Review of Economics and Statistics、Journal of Development Economics、European Economic Review等国际一流学术杂志上发表论文多篇。

    【论文摘要】During the last decade, the Chinese government has frequently changed the value added tax (VAT) refund levels offered to exporters. Indeed, China's VAT system is not neutral, in particular because the exporters may not receive complete refund of the domestic VAT paid on their inputs. This paper investigates how changes in the VAT rebates affect export performance in China. Our empirical analysis relies on export volume data at the HS6 product level over the 2003-12 period. To address potential endogeneity, we exploit an eligibility rule that disqualifies processing trade with supplied materials from the rebates. We find that the adjustments to the VAT rebates have significant repercussions on the exported volume: a one percentage point increase in the VAT rebate can lead to a 7% increase in export volumes. This magnitude allows to better understand the strong resistance of China's exports amid the global recession.



    Sandra Poncet个人网页:http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/membre/Poncet/

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