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    3月17日,Helmut Fryges (University of Tasmania)

    【 发布日期:2014-08-30 】


    【主题】Wage Determination in High-tech Start-ups–Does it Differ for Academic Spin-offs?

    【报告人】Helmut Fryges,经济学博士,现任澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学(UTAS)国家创新研究中心研究员,曾在德国欧洲经济研究中心(ZEW)工作十四年,研究兴趣关注企业国际化、国家创新支持措施评估和企业创新与技术外溢等,研究成果发表于The World Economy, Review of World Economics, Applied Economic Letters 等国际期刊。



    【论文摘要】Using a unique matched employer-employee data set, we estimate random-effects GLS and pooled OLS wage regressions in order to examine whether or not academic spin-offs in Germany pay higher wages than other high-tech start-ups. Our analysis contributes to the literature not only by showing whether potential wage differentials between employees working in newly founded firms can be traced back to the property of the employer to be a spin-off firm but also provide further insights in the wage determination in newly established high-tech firms. The results show that employees working in a transfer spin-off earn indeed higher wages than employees working in other start-ups. There are positive and significant wage differentials for employees with a university degree and those without a formal qualification but not for employees with a vocational training. On the contrary, competence spin-offs do not pay higher wages, not even for employees with a university degree.


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