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    CES 2012 Annual Conference -- Call for Papers

    【 发布日期:2011-11-21 】

    TheChinese Economists Society (CES)calls for paper submissions for its2012 CES China Conference, to be held in New Century Grand Hotel atKaifeng cityduringJune 23-24 (Saturday and Sunday), 2012. The local host for the conference isHenanUniversity. The theme of the conference is “Development beyond the Middle Income Trap: China in Transition”. The conference consists of keynote and invited talks, roundtable forums and parallel sessions. Arrival and registration of participants will be arranged on June 22 and sight-seeing and tourist activities follow the conference on June 25.

    CES invites both CES and non-CES members to present a paper at the 2012 Conference. All fields of specialization within economics will be considered. Papers focusing on the Chinese economy and on the proposed conference theme such asChina's growth prospects will be given preferences.The paper submission deadline is February 1st, 2012.


    Individual paper submissionsin Englishshould include an abstract of no more than 400 words and should be submitted via CES website atwww.china-ces.org. You may submit only ONE paper. If you have a second paper to submit, it must be submitted and (if accepted) presented by your co-author. You will receive a notification by e-mail once your paper is accepted (or rejected) byMarch 15th, 2012. Individual paper submission in Chinese should follow the guideline at the Chinese conference website athttp://econ.henu.edu.cn.

    SESSION ORGANIZERSIf you would like to organize one or more sessions on a specific topic and have speakers/presenters lined up, please contact Professor Ding Lu for approval atding.lu@ufv.cabyJanuary 15th, 2012.The organized session should consist of 3 to 4 papers. The session chair should submit the title of the session, the titles of the papers, the names of session presenters and their e-mail contacts. Please note that Individual papers must still go through the regular paper submission process through the CES website. However, the "Comments" section of the form should make reference to the special session (e.g., "this paper is part of a special session on Urbanization organized by Prof. So and So). The applicable submission deadline is alsoFebruary 1st, 2011.


    Invited keynote speakers include:

    Dale T. Mortensen (2010 Nobel Prize Laureate),·Northwestern University

    James Heckman (2000 Nobel Prize laureate),University·ofChicago

    Wing Thye Woo,UniversityofCaliforniaat·Davis


    Papers presented at the annual CES conferences by junior scholars will be considered for the Gregory Chow Best Paper Award. A total of two (2) awards will be granted to the winners. To be eligible for consideration, the primary author of the paper must be a graduate student or a junior scholar who received his/her PhD degree within the last five years. Recipients of the award will receive a certificate and US$1,000.Please indicate your eligibility at the submission.


    High-quality papers presented at the conference will be solicited for consideration for special issues inChina Economic ReviewandFrontier of Economics in China(FEC).


    All presenters must register for the Conference. Registration can be made online through the conference website atwww.china-ces.orgunder “Conferences”. You may wait to register until you find out whether your paper is accepted.

    Early-bird Registration Fee before May 1st, 2012

    Regular CES member: US$190; Non-CES member: US$230;

    Student CES member: US$110;

    Family member of participants: US$110.

    Registration fee after May 1st, 2012

    US$230 (same for all participants).


    English paper presenters with valid CES memberships will receive free three (3) nights’ stay at New Century Grand Hotel for a shared hotel room (double occupancy) or a single hotel room at Henan University Hotel, in addition to conference materials and free meals. Paper presenters do have the option to pay an additional US$50 per night per person to stay at NC Grand Hotel without sharing a room.


    Any inquiry should be sent to:

    For academic matters: Professor Ding Lu atding.lu@ufv.ca

    For logistics: Professor Bingtao Song atsbingtao@hotmail.com.

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